Well, its been ages. I know. What they say is true. You lose the initially gained interest on anything after a while. We are humans, arent we? We get bored of things so easily. Let me tell you. Blogging AKA writing has never failed to interest me. But that right time need to click. It took me a couple of months (since my last blog post) to get clicked!
Sitting joblessley with my TV on, and pondering on why these people cannot show some good flicks, you might by now know how bored I'am currently. But wait, its 19th November 11. 30 p.m now. In like half an hour, I shall turn 24! Yes yes, its my birthday. Gone are those days when i used to sleeplessly stay awake with a flush of joy wondering about the attention I shall get on my birthday at school- from friends, teachers, acquaintances....
I feel old. I know I know, I'am too young to be old. Life has more in store for me. Worser lessons await. Meaner people are waiting down the lane. But everything seems so bllaaaahh now. I feel 'friends' are fake. Real people dont exist. Am I showering too much of negativity on my birth-day.
*consoling*- you were born this day. How can u hate it! life being a human is soo good. So many things to do, people to meet, things to eat. So just sit back and enjoy this ride. God does not let everyone take this roller coaster ride!!!
So let me be the first one to wish ME MY birthday. Happy birthday love! live life to the fullest. Take things easy. Nothing aint your worries and tensions. And chuck people who think you arent worth them. They dont deserve you. Have a nice day! :)