Monday, December 3, 2012

Why That December Love?

Everybody seems to be happy; because it is December. So I ponder? What makes December close to their hearts, well, mine too. Is it the sight of bright lit roads decorated with starts and shimmery lights on either sides, a soother to all worn out souls? Or is it the thought of festivities in the air that makes us feel that there is something to look forward to? Or is it the forthcoming Christmas ‘Holidays’? Holidays. Or the thought that December shall bring some moist and chill to the weather unlike the other 11 months where you might be roasted with heat? At least in this part of the world where I live in, that is the case. Or is it just being ‘December’ that makes us all happy?

When my Facebook profile is seemingly thrived with status updates saying December is here, I ponder, here is the month where everybody seems to be falling in peace with. There is no anti-December thought that I carry. I’am just confused to what makes just another month so looked upon. Maybe it is just what I had mentioned above. Maybe it is all of that. Maybe it is the turmoil inside every one of us that seeks for a break from the every day activity, and December brings some of it. The sight of cribs made from love and joy of togetherness, which can be seen in homes, wayside shops and huge mansions are purely the symbol of happiness and glee that this month brings.

So no matter whatever said, December is truly a month that carries some joy in its birth. Red-coated and shiny, December glories continues, in our souls, like a snowfall in a dry parched desert.December, welcome back! 

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